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  Mais Pfizer Program


Date of Approval: 19/06/2024




Brazil – Mais Pfizer (EN|PT) 



1.1.These regulations apply to the Mais Pfizer Program ("Program"), which is an incentive program for patient adherence to treatment prescribed by physicians involving any of the drugs covered in the Program. 

1.2.The Program was developed by Pfizer Brasil LTDA ("Pfizer") and its main objectives are: (i) to promote health among patients, providing relevant information about treatments, health in general, and Pfizer's institutional campaigns, and (ii) to offer discounts on the purchase of participating drugs. 


2.1. These regulations define the conditions applicable to participate in the Program, without prejudice to the simultaneous application of the current legislation. Acceptance provided upon registration and participation in the Program implies the total and unrestricted acceptance of these regulations by the Participant, including regarding the collection and processing of personal data, according to the Program's Privacy Policy. Therefore, before signing up for the Program, Participants must carefully read these regulations and the Privacy Policy, and only participate in the Program upon accepting all of their terms. 


3.1. Patients ("Participants") enrolled in the CPF, who receive a prescription for the products included in the Program from a physician registered with one of the Regional Medical Councils of Brazil ("CRM"), can participate in the Program. 

3.1.1. If the Participant is under the age of 18 (eighteen), registration must be done by their legal guardian and will only be possible if the patient's age is compatible with the prescribing information of the prescribed medication. 

3.2. Participants may sign up for the Program for free through the Call Center: 0800 012 6644; at the Program's partner drugstores, through the website ("Website") or through the Program's application available on the App Store and Google Play ("Application"). 

3.3. Required information for registration: CPF, full name, date of birth, phone number with area code, and medical prescription information (required for prescription products "for medical prescription use").  The contact e-mail may be provided at the Participant's option. 

3.3.1. Contact information, such as phone number and email, can only be used for the registration of one CPF. 

3.3.2. The access to the Website and Application is managed through Pfizer Account GPA (Global Patient Authentication). In case the Participant intends to access the Website and/or the Application, he/she will need to create a Pfizer Account GPA. Pfizer Account GPA enables the user to have one account that can be used to log in to any Pfizer apps/websites and services connected to Pfizer Account GPA, including the Website and the Application. Some Pfizer apps/websites require additional information or even approval before you are allowed to log in, and the process for review and approval for those apps/websites will be managed through those apps/websites. To create the Pfizer Account GPA, the Participant will need to provide his/her name, surname, email address, account password and, for Brazilian citizens, the CPF number, which will be used as his/her username. 

3.4. It is the sole responsibility of the Participant to provide true information that is in accordance with their medical prescription when registering for the Program. Pfizer is not responsible for any incorrect information provided by the Participant, especially regarding the drug indicated in their medical prescription. 

3.4.1. If there is evidence of any fraud in the provision of information, Pfizer reserves the right to unsubscribe the Participant from the Program, without any prior notice. 

3.5. The information requested during registration will be used to ensure correct access to Program discounts, for sending informational materials with the Participant's or legal guardian's authorization, as well as for other purposes described in the Program's Privacy Policy. 

3.5.1. The maintenance of updated data is the sole responsibility of the Participant or their legal guardian. 

3.6. When registering, the Participant or legal guardian will have the option to authorize or not the receipt of various informational materials, through the sending of emails, SMS or telephone contact. If initially authorized and the Participant decides to revoke this authorization, simply contact the Customer Service Center: 0800 012 6644. 

3.7. The Participant may purchase discounted products immediately after confirming their registration with their CPF number and presentation of a medical prescription (mandatory for prescription-only products), exclusively at drugstores and pharmacies accredited by the Program ("Accredited Network"). The Participant must also agree to the Privacy Policy of the Program as well as to this Regulation, within the deadlines informed in item 3.17 and following of this document. 

3.7.1.The list of establishments that are part of the Accredited Network can be found on the Website and at the Call Center 0800 0126644 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) 

3.7.2.The list of participating products in the Program (as well as their own discount rules) can be provided by the Customer Service Center at 0800 012 6644 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) 

3.7.3.Changes in the Accredited Network, participating products, and discounts may occur without prior notice, and it is the responsibility of the Participant to consult them periodically. 

3.8. In case of doubt, corrections, changes or request for deletion of registration data, the Participant must access their registration profile on the Website, on the Application or call the Customer Service Center. 

3.9. Program Participants will have access to: 

 a.) educational information on various health topics and institutional campaigns from Pfizer, which will be provided through the "Mais Pfizer" Program website, email and SMS communications, among others. The informational materials offered by the Program have an explanatory or complementary purpose. In other words, no information provided by the Program replaces, under any circumstances, the guidance of a medical professional or emergency service, nor should it be used as a basis for a medical diagnosis or encourage self-medication. 

b.) discounts on the purchase of participating products in the Program, as long as the purchase is made at the Accredited Network. The discount on participating Program products will be applied to the Maximum Consumer Price, as published by the Chamber of Market Regulation for Medicines (CMED), in effect at the time of the drug purchase. 

c.) The benefits of the Program are exclusively intended for the Participant and, therefore, are non-transferable. 

3.10. The final purchase value of the products may vary according to the different microregions of the national territory due to differences in taxation and current legislation. 

3.11. Pfizer may, at any time, at its sole discretion, change: (i) the discounts applied to products included in the Program and (ii) the list of products participating in the Program, without prior notice. Such changes will be disclosed on the Website, Application, and/or through email, SMS, or phone communications. 

3.11.1.If the Participant chooses to refuse the receipt of various informational materials, as referenced in item 3.6, no communications will be made to the Participant regarding changes, additions, or exclusions of discounts or participating products. Even without receiving these communications, the Participant will always be able to visit the information about the Program through access to the Website, the Application or by contacting the Program's Call Center by phone. 

3.12. Pfizer is not responsible for other discounts practiced by establishments in the Accredited Network, nor for the rules applied by them for granting these discounts (eligibility, whether cumulative or not, etc.). 

3.13. The discounts offered by the Program are not cumulative. 

3.14. Participants may purchase more than one box of a participating product in the Program, of the same brand, according to the cutoff established by the Program. To check this cutoff, the Participant can contact the Call Center or check at the Accredited Network establishments. The Program is not responsible for any purchase limits set by the affiliated establishments. 

3.15. Each participating product has its own discount rules, including conditions for the Participant to be eligible for any differentiated discounts. Complete information about these rules can be obtained through the Call Center 0800 012 6644 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) 

3.16. The Participant or their legal representative may cancel their participation in the Program at any time by simply requesting exclusion from the Customer Service Center. 0800 012 6644. The Program has a deadline of up to 30 (thirty) days to formalize the request. 

3.17. Registration in the Program depends on the Participant's acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this Regulation and in the Privacy Policy and consent for the treatment of their personal data. 

3.17.1 For registrations made through the Accredited Network and to avoid any interruptions or delays in the respective medical treatment, Participants must formalize their acceptance within 90 (ninety) consecutive days from the date of their registration with the Accredited Network, through the following methods: 

a) Reading, through the Participant's cell phone, the QR Code available on the service counter monitor of the drugstore to access the Regulation and Privacy Policy;

b) Receipt of SMS with access link to the Regulation and Privacy Policy, to be sent by the employee of the Accredited Network, upon providing the participant's cell phone number;

c) Access via URL to the electronic address provided by the pharmacy employee, which contains the Regulations and Privacy Policy;

d) Call to the Program's Call Center through the number 0800 012 6644 or

e) Through the App. 

3.17.2 After registering in the Program through the Accredited Network, the Participant will have a period of up to 90 (ninety) calendar days to formalize their acceptance of the terms and conditions provided in the Regulation and Privacy Policy of the Program, and their consent for the treatment of their personal data. Until Participants formalize their acceptance, although they are eligible to receive the discounts and other benefits offered by the Program, their personal data will be kept in an encrypted database, not accessible to Pfizer or the Program Managers. After the deadline of 90 (ninety) days, if the Participant does not formalize their acceptance, the benefits of the Program, including discounts, will no longer be available. To regain access to the benefits, with purchase history recovery, it will be necessary to register again within 270 consecutive days from the registration in the Accredited Network, as described in item 3.17.3 below. 

3.17.3 Encrypted data will be kept for only up to 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days from the expiration of the deadline for formal acceptance. If the Participant does not formalize their acceptance within the deadline (i.e. 270 calendar days counted from the registration in the Accredited Network), the Participant's data, including purchase history and discount level in the case of progressive discount campaigns, will be permanently deleted from the Program's database. To regain access to the benefits of the Program, it will be necessary to register again, without the purchase history and discount level being recovered (that is, in cases of participation in progressive discount campaigns, the Participant will return to the initial discount offered by the Program). 


4.1. The Program will be valid indefinitely and may be changed, terminated, or suspended at any time, through communication via the Website, and/or communication via email, SMS, or telephone. 


5.1. Pfizer is not responsible for the inability to sell, the unavailability of the system or stock of products from Accredited Network establishments. 

5.2. At the time of purchase/sale, the drugstore or pharmacy will provide a fiscal coupon proving the use of the Program. 

5.3. Pfizer is not responsible for the quality of service (courtesy, system problems, lack of stock, incorrect information) provided by the drugstores/pharmacies of the Accredited Network, as it has no control over their operation. 

5.4. Pfizer is not responsible for abnormal facts or circumstances beyond its control, including, but not limited to, problems in the telephone network, power supply, or carriage of information between the establishment and the Program that may prevent authorization of the purchase with the discount, as well as discounts and sales made by the Accredited Network outside the Program's Authorization system and discounts that differ from what is offered by Mais Pfizer. 


6.1. Participation in the Program is subject to the Participant's acceptance of the Privacy Policy related to the Program. Participants must read the Privacy Policy and only proceed with the registration upon agreement. 


7.1. These Regulations apply to all communication channels and transactions of the Program throughout Brazilian territory. 

7.2. These Regulations may undergo changes at any time. However, the updated version will always be available on the Website and in the Application. 

7.3. In case of reporting an adverse event of any participating medication, the Program may contact the Participant or the prescribing physician to obtain additional information. In case of adverse event reporting, contact must be made even if the Participant has refused to receive communications, since it is required by the Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). 

7.4. The discounts provided by the Program are granted by Pfizer out of mere liberality, which is why Pfizer reserves the right to change or interrupt this Program at any time, without prior notice, without any compensation being due to any Participant. 

7.5. Participants may be excluded from the Program, without prior notification, if they provide false information during registration, or use it on behalf of third parties, or also if they use the Program in a manner contrary to these regulations or current Brazilian laws. 

7.6. The exclusion of Participants from the Program will completely interrupt any granting of discounts and information. 

7.7. In case of doubts regarding the Program, Participants may contact the Customer Service Center: 0800 012 6644 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., except holidays).